So how does this all work? A lot of people ask me what the application process is like, and if I got to choose where I was going. The short answer is no. Basically you can list ‘preferences’ but I chose “Anywhere I Am Needed.” After that, placement officers look over your application and you get an email saying you’re ‘under consideration’ for a certain position in a country. Then, you do your interview then they tell you yes or no. About 17,000 people apply yearly for around 3,000 spots, so it’s a pretty competitive and rigorous process. After you get invited, you still have to be medically cleared, which takes about 8 eons and involves a lot of needles. After THAT, then you can be like ‘hey everyone here’s what I’m doing with my life.’

Why though?? I also get asked a lot why I’m doing this, to which I feel like I should have some rehearsed answer about how good of a person I am. To be honest, Peace Corps seems like an opportunity to expand out of my comfort zone and examine the privileges I’ve had so far. I think I’d be a good teacher. I want to understand people outside of the United States. And, obviously, I really, really do want to help people.

Where is Ukraine? It’s the big one right next to Russia.

How/Why/Where is ____ in THE Ukraine? The country is just called Ukraine for God’s sake. Plz stop saying this.

How long are you going to be there? 27 months! 3 months of Pre-Service Training, and the remaining 24 are spent at my permanent site.

Do you speak Ukrainian? I learned it for 4 hours a day 5 days a week for three months during training, so sometimes and poorly. I get by. 

What are you most looking forward to? Not shaving my legs for two years.